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Writer Guidelines

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Quick Guidelines

Send all submissions to


IMPORTANT: Make sure your email account is set to receive email from this address so when we email you back to let you know whether or not your article has been accepted you will receive it.

Now on to the guidelines...

  • There will be NO payment for articles published in The Christian Online Magazine. The author retains the copyright.
  • Only send 1 Article after it is accepted you may send another one.
  • Please send NEVER BEFORE published articles only! (We like to try to keep our material fresh)
  • Make sure your article hasn’t already been published on our site. (Do a Search on our Search Engine using your name or title of your article)
  • Send article to (This email address will change periodically because of spammers.)
  • Articles longer than 700 words will not be reviewed.
  • Please send articles as a Microsoft word document.
  • Make sure document is single-spaced.
  • We reserve the right to edit articles for publication if necessary.
  • Articles are archived in our data base and may be used in a future issue. Writer does retain copyrights.

For more information read below...

Articles: New Policy.

Article length must be no longer than 700 words. We do not have time to read articles greater in length. Thank  you for being considerate of this.

Submit an Article

Send submissions to


We appreciate your interest in writing for The Christian Online Magazine. We welcome new writers and new ideas. We only endorse Christian views and interests. Feel free to print these guidelines for future reference.

Here is some info about our magazine, our readers, and what we are looking for in writers.

Our readers are from the U.S. and many other countries. We offer Christian views on many subjects. We appeal to men and women alike. We are no respector of persons. Remember, Jesus must be presented with HIGH regard in any article or short story you submit to us. This magazine is designed with HIM in mind and for His Children. We want to build up His kingdom and REACH the Lost!

Our Purpose: We are a positive, non-denominational magazine published monthly and designed for people of all ages who either know God or want to know God.

We are looking for: faith-building articles. Articles should be practical, having a distinct Christian perspective throughout.

We are NOT looking for: children's stories, book reviews, fiction, or articles laced with sarcasm or the occult.

Due to overwhelming response, we are not accepting poems at this time. 

What we are looking for in writers...

You may submit to us articles and short stories following these guidelines

1. Intelligent wording, with "good Christian subject matter" backed by the BIBLE a MUST

2. Stay with your subject, don't wonder too far off on other things. This is important to our readers.

3. Submit by using this email address

4. You may send your literary work at anytime for review. We will DO OUR BEST, but we can't promise, to let you know if or when, it will be published.

5. We reserve the right to turn down any submissions and/or pull them from our magazine at any time without further contact.

Seasonal material should be submitted 2 months in advance.

There will be NO payment for articles published in The Christian Online Magazine. The author retains the copyright.

Advice: Relax. Be warm and personal. And read several articles in The Christian Online Magazine to get a feel for the type of writing we like. Good luck, and may God bless your efforts in spreading the Good News.

The Christian Online Magazine

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