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Keep up to date with the latest goings-on. Make sure you stay on top of the latest developments and news. Don't even miss a day. It's not worth it.

The Communion of the Holy Trinity as the Basis and Logic of Christian Theology

It is not our deep inner feelings which should set the agenda for our thoughts about God. It is not what makes sense to us or seems right to our natural minds which should guide our theologizing. It is not mere statements which should shape our thinking about God; nor should the political correctness of our value system or the implicit axioms of our world-view determine what must or must not be true about God. Authentic Christian thinking about God follows the logic, the rationality implicit in the very name and being and presence of Jesus Christ as the eternal Son of God incarnate. More

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Keep up to date with the latest goings-on. Make sure you stay on top of the latest developments and news. Don't even miss a day. It's not worth it.

The Secret Downloadable eBook
Download this FREE eBook by Baxter Kruger!

Keep up to date with the latest goings-on. Make sure you stay on top of the latest developments and news. Don't even miss a day. It's not worth it.

In today's theological arena, it has become fashionable to move away from traditional language for God, and use instead genderless variations to designate deity, all for the admitted purpose of not appearing sexist, chauvinist, or patriarchal.  In some circles, age-old hymns and liturgies have been altered (some would say ruined), and preachers' vocabularies have undergone careful gender-purging.  The trend has manifested itself most prominently in two ways, on which I would like to offer a few comments. More

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